If you feel like you are in the desert spiritually, like you are dry, cracked, thirsty, and in real need of the life-giving water only Jesus can provide, you would benefit from going on an ACTS Retreat!
If your spiritual life needs a jump-start and your inspiration needs the "Spirit" put back "IN," you would benefit from going on an ACTS Retreat!
If you would like to learn more about your Catholic Christian faith - the hows and whys - then you would benefit from going on an ACTS Retreat!
Don't wait any longer to take this step of faith and hope toward the life that Jesus is now calling you!
How wonderful to share the gift of an ACTS Retreat with another! If you are interested in sponsoring someone to attend a retreat, visit the Retreat Sponsorship page for more information.
We would love to have volunteers to serve on upcoming ADULT or TEEN retreats! Each ACTS Team is chosen at random from past retreatants who are eligible to serve on Team. Although you do not have to be a practicing Catholic to attend an ACTS Retreat, you DO have to be a practicing Catholic to serve on an ACTS Team.
If you are feeling called to serve on TEAM, then please fill out our interest form. All names will be prayed over and then team members will be selected.
If you don't feel called to serve on a retreat team, but would like to help in some way, check out these different ways to be involved!
“O my God, teach me to be generous
to serve you as you deserve to be served
to give without counting the cost
to fight without fear of being wounded
to work without seeking rest
and to spend myself without expecting any reward
but the knowledge that I am doing your holy will.
― St. Ignatius of Loyola
Thank you for considering to be "On Team" for an upcoming retreat! Your commitment is a valuable asset to our ACTS Community. Serving on a retreat team is a whole different retreat experience for the team members and fulfills the 'S' in ACTS (Service)...it is an opportunity to serve as the hands and feet of Jesus Christ.
A few things you should know when considering to volunteer in this capactiy: